Our Story
Nanohabits started its journey over a decade ago.
Our story and mission
Nanohabits was launched with a mountainous mission: to revolutionise how businesses and individuals the world over, approach change. As we embrace new digital frontiers and unparalleled business innovation, we continue to gravitate around the most powerful of all mechanisms; human behaviour.
Every big idea surfaces from a challenge in the world. For us, it was change, or more specifically; the difficulty for people and organisations to create and sustain it.
Development over the years
Back in our early days, over a decade ago, we were focused on changing the world through our customers; bringing foresight and innovation to their businesses and researching markets across the Nordic and Scandinavian countries. Nowadays, we drive change through their most powerful assets; the people.
So what changed? Ironically, quite a lot…
Our clients wanted to be future-proof. In operational terms, this meant agility; continuous learning, renewal and rapid change. In behavioural terms however, it just wasn’t translating. Companies had access to more than the sufficient amount of information and data needed to drive change, but they couldn't change the behaviour of their staff.
With a little scrutiny, we discovered how wide-scale the problem was: the failure rate of organisational change programs was estimated to be as high as 70 percent. Digging deeper still, we discovered how much of an impact our habits have on change. Almost 50 % of our actions are repeated every single day, and many are born without deliberate design.
We knew what had to be done to help businesses to drive and sustain growth. We had to unlock the power of their people, and most importantly; their habits. Through a carefully designed process, built on science and proven empirically, Nanohabits are doing exactly that. As we continue to grow, we continue to learn. New tools enable us to reach further afield, and new challenges bring new opportunities to gather evidence of successful change.
Now, more than 1 000 projects later, we are a little greyer and hopefully a lot wiser, but we are still focused on changing the world. When we take control of just a few of our daily actions, we can create massive change. When we turn these into habits, it can be sustained.
We have been privileged to work with many great companies.